Monday, August 23, 2010

now I know

Its been almost 2 years now.
Baru sekarang I understand and see it well.
Like I said before..
I'm so blind and just enjoy the weather.

Alhamdulillah.. now I see the true colour..
Beyond expectation or maybe I simply can see it from the very beginning.
And I'm be in denial since then.

Sesungguhnya aku memohon dengan sangat..
Agar dikurnia kekuatan untuk bertahan..


jijah montel said...

aiyohhh babe.. jiwa kacau meh? hmmm... just hang in there.. ok.. by the way.. aku ingat ko tak update blog.. rupanya blog aku tak feed lah ko punya updates.. huhuuu

cik-zura said...

thank you babe... anyway aku ok.. jiwa kacau terkawal. ahaks.. ditambah busy dgn kerja.. tak larat nk fikir penyakit jiwa-jiwa dgn sepenuh jiwa. kahkahkah..

kasturi said...

bunyi mcm sedih je...kuatkan semangat.

cik-zura said...

hello again.. rajin dtg sini ye? huhuhu thank you for your comment. now me dah ok dah :)