Friday, July 17, 2009


2-3 hari ni bangun pagi.. terasa dunia sangat kosong. Segala-galanya sunyi sepi. Bukan senang nak happy dan bukan susah nak berduka nestapa.

The one I care is down. It suck. Kalau boleh I want to be there and console him. But I was never there.

Bila difikirkan balik.. I think he is just lucky. At least ada juga orang nak ambil tahu about him while he was down and awful at this moment (okkayy.. walaupun via phone dikira ambil tahu juga kan?).

Tapi aku? I don't think there's other person would do that to me. *sigh* so unfair kan? Well, this is life. Need to be tough even I am tired by doing so.


Muzik Hati said...

sabar babe... berdoa banyak² (mesti dah selalu dengar kan kan kan...)
berdoa juga semoga ALLAH tidak menarik balik nikmat rasa cinta & kasih sayang itu... (peringatan utk diri sendiri gak)
u hang in there ok

jijah montel said...

mai.. hujung bulan ni will be my 4th year anniversary.. infact i have been with him for almost 7 years.. trust me.. bukan ko sorang aje selalu pikir gitu.. aku pun.. but i tried my best to embrace my relationship.. susah.. but its worth it..

cik-zura said...

thanks.. aku tau.. cuma kdg2 aku rasa mcm aku sorang jer berusaha.. penat..